How a Release Works – Personal Injury Lawyers
How a Release Works – Personal Injury Lawyers
The Legal Ramifications of Signing a Release
In every personal injury case that we settle, our clients will eventually sign a release that will release the defendant from any future financial obligations. When properly evaluated and endorsed by your attorney, signing a release is a fairly innocuous event that should signify the conclusion to your former legal troubles.
However, for those that are not represented by an attorney, signing a release can, in fact, be the beginning of their legal troubles. In this article, we explain precisely what a release is, consequences of signing, and common concerns that must be taken into consideration before signing a release.
Dangers of Signing a Release
There are several concerns that must be addressed prior to signing a release and those who are not represented by a competent attorney can fall victim to these pitfalls.
1) Is The Release Equitable and Sufficient to Cover Your Costs?
When you sign a release, you are forever relinquishing your right to sue the defendant regarding this claim. Before making this exchange you should talk to an attorney to make sure it is a good idea to release the defendant from all future liability regarding this claim and that the settlement amount is enough to compensate you for your damages. More info here @
We have had clients who signed a release believing that it was equitable and sufficient to compensate them for their injuries. However, it was revealed that the injuries were worse than they appeared at first and that more money would be needed for future medical expenses, but since the client signed the release they were not able to get compensation for these new injuries.
2) Who is Released?
Many times especially when dealing with insurance companies, an unrepresented client will be told that by signing a release they are only releasing some of the parties who are covered by the insurance policy from a liability and that they can still sue others beyond the limits of the policy.
In reality, it is not always the case and by signing a release you give uprights. For instance, we had a client whose husband was killed in a car accident and the defendant only had insurance coverage for $25,000. However, the man was also independently wealthy. The woman settled and signed a release with the insurance company thinking that she was only releasing the insurance company but not the defendant. But when she attempted to file suit against the defendant individually she discovered that the release she had signed not only released the insurance company but also the defendant.
3) Strategic Concerns
There are also some strategic concerns that must be addressed before signing a release. Imagine a pizza delivery crashes into your car. You settle with the delivery driver through his personal insurance policy and the release does not bar you from filing suit against anyone else. However, in order to prove liability on the other parties involved you need testimony from the pizza delivery boy. But, since he is released from the suit, he is not required to testify in the case. Generally, it is in our client’s best interest not to settle immediately because of the blowback it can have on the big picture. Click on this link @
There are many other concerns with signing a release, but one important thing you need to understand is that releases are written to protect the defendant, not you, and unless you have a clear understanding of contract law, you are not going to completely understand it. That is where a lawyer comes in because signing a release is not a bad thing, as long as it is fair for both parties.
You Should Consult With an Experienced Attorney Before Signing a Release
Although it is usually alright to hear a settlement offer from an insurance company it is not a good idea to sign a release before you have consulted with an attorney. For example, imagine you are in a car accident and offered a settlement that seems fair to you so you sign a release.
Then, two weeks later, you discover that you are going to need surgery; at this point, it is unlikely that you will be able to receive compensation for these new injuries.
However, our attorneys have been able to secure compensation for new injuries after the signing of a release. They were able to do this because they have over twenty years of experience and know the ins and outs of dealing with insurance companies, and getting their clients the compensation that they deserve. Before you decide to sign a release you should call one of our attorneys for a free consultation.
Road Injury Prevention – Role Played By NGOs
Threat Posed By Road Accidents And Injuries !
Every year, about 1 to 2 millions of people fall prey to road accidents and succumb to either death or heavy injuries that leave them paralysed and affected for a lifetime. Recent studies by the WHO (World Health Organisation) have shown that by 2020, road injury will become the fifth biggest reason for losing the lives of millions worldwide. As of present, road injuries are the ninth biggest reason for death across the globe.
Many people affected by road accidents and injuries have seen their lives change drastically after the incident. Most of them end up being permanently injured or paralysed for life, unable to do their previous works or even basic human necessities and activities. The relatives and friends of the victims are majorly traumatised by the after effects of a road injury.
It is to be noted that all other reasons or causes of death like diseases, natural calamities, etc are all up to a major extend out of the hands of mankind whereas road injuries are mostly entirely human caused and can be prevented up to a large extent provided necessary preventive measures and actions are taken. Hence road safety should be considered as a major concern of each and every country. There is a large need for communities that are registered under the Society Registration to take up road safety as an initiative and hold campaigns to promote it and prevent road accidents.
Role Of NGOs In Reducing Road Injuries
Road safety and road injury prevention should be treated as an opportunity to save lives just like deaths and injuries brought about by other means like diseases, calamities, etc. The suffering brought about by road casualties is very high due to its unexpected and violent nature. The psychological trauma it might cause can also affect the society as a whole in its financial, health and societal issues.
By forming more NGOs registered with Society Registration, with the focus of educating the society on the danger of road injuries and the aftermath of it and also on the road safety rules and regulations can bring about a decrease in the number of deaths and injuries on the road. These NGOs can engage in rescue missions with helpline numbers that can save the lives of many on the road in time.
Support groups for families inflicted by such incidents helps them in coming out of it and speaking out, thereby influencing others to come out of their tragedies as well. Nationally advertised campaigns in educating society on road safety and road injuries prevention are held by NGOs to draw attention to the issues faced due to it. Drunk driving which is one major cause of such injuries are also drawn to public attention through campaigns.
World Wide Organisations With Road Safety Goals
The United Nations and World Health Organisation have acknowledged the importance of road safety as a public health issue making it a major step towards reducing road injuries. Brake is a road safety organisation founded with the objectives of making roads safe, preventing death, injury and suffering brought about by road crashes, etc.
Some of the policies brought about by such organises focusses in building a system in which a driving license is given through a gradual period of 12 months to prevent any such incidents. These also ensure that low speed limits of 20 mph and traffic control measures are followed by individuals by putting up speed boards and traffic sign boards frequently. Social networks have also been utilised maximum by NGOs to raise public awareness of such issues and to encourage road safety measures.
Families especially kids are educated on road safety and traffic rules through their schools to develop the sense of careful driving practices and following traffic signals and rules from a young age itself. NGOs play a major role in convincing the policy makers within the Government about the road injuries and thereby getting them to frame policies for encouraging safe driving, preventing drunk driving, etc.
Remember that the estimated reports do not include accidents and injuries that are reported. If those were to consider too, it would yield shocking results. Road safety and injury prevention are major aspects that need thorough looking into from the part of NGOs as well as the Government!

Personal Injury Lawyers -Accidents on the road happen every day
Accidents on the road happen every day. Unfortunately, if you have been involved in a car crash, this will change your normal way of living. Not only injuries to yourself, but your car can be severely damaged. Once a severe road accident happens, you can expect catastrophic injuries that can cause great suffering for you. Your suffering could last weeks and even months before you totally recover.
When you have experienced a car accident and feel hopeless because the accident was not your fault, it is recommended that call for the help of a car accident lawyer. Due tp the accident, you can incur doctor bills, hospital bills, wage loss, vehicle damage, and also mental trauma. He will help you understand your rights and assist you in obtaining the best possible compensation from the car owner or insurance company.
A car accident attorney is different from other attorneys. Since vehicles have various specifications and sizes, this is another aspect to consider. Since causes of car accidents may vary from one to another, it is important to have a legal counsel that will familiarize you with everything associated with your case.
Once you decided to contact a car accident lawyer, the initial thing that he will do is to investigate the case himself. He will gather factual and valid evidence from police, media reports, ask a couple of witnesses for their statements, ask the help of the experts to review evidence and from there, he will build a good conclusion as to how and why the accident happened. With the help of your statement and his personal case investigation, he will prepare the legal matters of your case and will help you file a lawsuit.
Don’t worry if you do not have any idea on how to file a lawsuit. Your car accident attorney will help you understand everything about it. Through step you have to make, he will always be at your side, willing to extend his help for your needs. Since he understands your situation, he will effectively handle and win the case for you. Keep in mind that a car accident lawyer is certified by the bar, qualified, highly-profiled and a professional who will help you receive just and reasonable accident claims.
He will stand by you and will confidently represent your case in court hearings. With his vast experience in this field of work, you have no reason to doubt his credibility. Irrespective of how powerful or renowned the at-fault party is, this is not a reason for the attorney to back down and turn his back on you. Instead, you can have high hopes that this lawyer will be courageous and fearless as long as he is on the side of getting justice for abused individuals like you!
Most Common Reasons of Car Accidents
There are various reasons as to why a car crash happens. Accidents do not choose who to involve and who to make suffer. Thereby, you have to be careful and be a responsible motorist. However, a lot of instances happen that no matter how careful you are while driving, it seems that an accident is chasing you and is meant for you. You can be involved in a car accident if your co-motorist is:
A reckless driver. A reckless driver is someone who does not think of anyone else while on the road but only himself. Certainly, these are people who feel superior on the road and most specifically, they lack education on proper road etiquette. Commonly, what they do while behind the wheel is not follow road signs and warnings and speed while driving. They will eventually cause a car accident.
Drunk driving. Both the government and authorities always warn that drivers cannot drive their cars once they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. They advise these people to sober themselves prior to driving again. If they violate the rule that it is prohibited to drive while under the influence, they are entitled to fines and jail time. However, a lot of motorists break the law, which then in turn results to misfortunes and severe accidents on the road. Drunk driving is one of the leading causes for car accidents.
Distracted driving. In addition to drunk driving, another leading cause of a car accident is distracted driving. Distracted driving means that a driver is doing something that may distract him from concentrating on his driving and keeping his eyes on the road. Among the things that can obstruct a driver from driving involve talking to his passengers, talking his phone, tuning in the radio, looking for something next to his seat or merely getting sleepy while driving.
Inexperienced driving. A lot of cases involve teenagers who do not have a driver’s license yet. Since these teens can become aggressive, do not have proper mindset and they do not know how they can prevent accidents, this causes them to have car accidents.
Malfunctioning car equipment. There are certain times that motorists cannot help but experience a car accident due to the malfunction of their car brakes, ignition, switches or other parts. Once you experience this, you are entitled to ask for a just compensation from your car’s manufacturer.
Get a Free Consultation with a Car Accident Lawyer Now
Don’t be afraid to consult and ask for the assistance of a car accident lawyer. As long as you are on the side of justice, he will always be willing and enthusiastic to help you. He can guarantee a total winning of your case through this expertise, seasoned experience and intelligence at work!